Gluten-Free Jam Thumbprints

Over the years, I have experimented with a dozen jam thumbprint recipe variations. This version has a buttery flavor, light texture, and tender crumb that contrast nicely with its jam filling. I like it best with slightly tangy jams like sour cherry, raspberry, or apricot. This recipe is from my book, Gluten-Free Cookies.

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Cardamom Crescents

It is nearly impossible for me to say what is my personal favorite cookie (as I have so many), but this ranks up in the top 10. Cardamom crescents make a great snack with afternoon tea or coffee. They have an aromatic fragrance that borders on spicy flowers and the taste is slightly peppery. Cardamom is a common ingredient in Indian cooking, and is often used in baking in Nordic countries. The New York Times published my version of this recipe in the 2009 and 2010 Dining Section feature on Holiday Cookies. Continue Reading →